Homelessness Essays,Introduction
WebNov 1, · The aim of this paper is to give the reader a better understanding and knowledge with regards to homeless youth. It will be focusing on the reasons why they WebParenting youth experiencing homelessness often need developmental supports for both themselves and their young children, as well as resources for economic self-sufficiency. Missing: paper WebAccording to the National Coalition for the Homeless 41% of the homeless population are comprised of families. Homelessness is a devastating experience for families. It disrupts WebJun 14, · Two major themes will be addressed: first, there is the effect of educational leadership on academic experiences of homeless youth. This theme will be further WebIn , an American study estimated that 20 percent of homeless youth had been in foster care before they moved to the streets and over 50 children run away from home. ... read more
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Do you want to improve your writing skills? If so, I hope to see you soon in class!! Mary L. My job is to work with you to reach your goals! Carrie P. Given the information explored in this literature review, the underlying tensions that accompany the phenomenon of homeless youth in education involve the factors of substance abuse, history of trauma, and lack of structured social and economic framework that exist within homeless populations. These tensions make it difficult for homeless youth to interact well in a structured school environment, as well as prevent school leaders from communicating effectively with them.
These strategies and more must be explored as concrete, potential avenues for including homeless and transient youth students into the education system, as that will provide them with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skill sets needed to receive gainful employment and work their way into systems that will take them off the streets. One substantial tension found in the literature is the role of the teacher in creating a proper learning environment, which is question generally found in any education context regardless of the presence of disadvantaged youth. Issues and factors like educational leadership and metacognition are found to be highly influential in creating the circumstances by which students improve; students benefit most from teachers who are involved, highly specific in their treatment of their students, and who act as a motivator for students to learn in the first place.
School administrators also play a substantial part in this endeavor, as they are responsible for allocating and acquiring the proper school resources necessary. The exact responsibilities that administrators and teachers have alike is a continued cause for concern, and a possible subject of future research. Homeless youth must be addressed not just as students, but as people, the school system they enter into presumably having a larger responsibility for their emotional and physical wellbeing; to that end, existing literature has explored the varying services that schools can provide for students who are homeless.
Government agencies, school counseling and other such programs are usually responsible for caring for these homeless youth, depending on whether or not they are in school. Psychosocial risk assessment is an important component to consider when integrating homeless youth into a classroom, given the special cases that homeless youth can often bring up. School counseling, in particular, has proven to have positive outcomes in improving the performance of homeless youth students, emphasizing the need for homeless youth to be cared for to a greater degree than is usually expected of non-homeless students in these contexts.
Another substantial tension is the challenge of inclusive education — typically utilized in the context of students with disabilities, here it can be applied to the disadvantages of homeless students as well. Inclusive education, regardless of content, comes with a complex set of challenges for teacher and student alike, balancing a whole classroom of students with their own varying needs and requirements into a curriculum that serves all of them effectively. Homeless students experience unique challenges that leave them underequipped to handle the structures and rigors of an education setting, particularly in a classroom with non-homeless youth. Issues of discrimination, uneven study skill allotment, and comparatively low incentive to learn can make an inclusive classroom with homeless youth students particularly troublesome for students and teachers alike.
Combining classrooms of students who are both economically stable and unstable may lead to tensions and a distinct lack of motivation on the part of the homeless youth population to engage in learning. If inclusive classrooms are to be a potential solution for these populations, strategies must be developed to specifically acclimate homeless students with a classroom in an inclusive setting. One proposed issue is to set up education interventions in homeless shelters, but the extent to which these interventions are effective remains to be seen. Because of the logistical issues of maintaining a full education program within homeless shelters for a proportionately few number of occupants, as well as the potentially disruptive nature of a mixed population of homeless youths and adults, inclusive education in traditional schools may well be a more effective solution.
There are certain gaps in the existing literature that may help to alleviate these particular problems. The effect of transformational leadership and the teaching of appropriate learning strategies, perhaps through metacognition, on homeless youth attending school has yet to be researched in sufficient depth. Transformational leaders are also said to provide social justice in education, providing homeless youth in classrooms with a better sense of belonging and integration into a normal classroom setting, which can in turn help these students cope better with life among more affluent students, and vice versa. As the literature indicates that these strategies may lead to better learning outcomes, substantive research on the subject is necessary to determine the extent to which this occurs.
Another issue to be addressed is the effect of equitable education opportunities on homeless students; as legislation such as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and No Child Left Behind is still in its infancy, studies on their effect on the homeless student youth population in particular are still forthcoming. It is theorized that, if legislation protecting homeless youth and promoting equality in education is integrated into normal classroom operations more quickly, homeless youth might more effectively transition into student life and achieve higher academic and social outcomes.
To that end, further research on how government legislation and specific attempts to curb the issue of homelessness are effecting youth education is necessary to enact more targeted, accurate interventions on this underserved population. This particular study is new and unlike anything done previously in this particular schema of education research given its focus on transformative and educational leadership and its effect on homeless youth. Because of the unique social problems inherent to homeless youth, including crime, drug and sexual abuse, and unemployment, it is more important than ever that teachers in education settings provide not only an educational value for these youth, but they must also instill character and emotional coping mechanisms they may not necessarily receive on the streets.
As school counseling has been shown to have a positive effect on homeless youth, the further application of emotional and cognitive reinforcement in an active classroom setting may help to further improve gaps in learning and emotional coping that can come with the status of homelessness Daniels, This study will add scholarly value by exploring how these well-worn theoretical frameworks apply to an underserved and unexplored population of student youth. These specific models have not been thoroughly applied to this specific population and setting in current education research; therefore, this study may inspire further research that continues the avenues that have been explored preliminarily by this existing literature.
As homeless youth of school age are a difficult population to maintain and keep in contact with due to their transient nature, studies like these may be difficult to implement in other climates. The study of these theoretical constructs of transformational and educational leadership in the context of homeless youth attending school may help to determine the effectiveness of homeless youth outreach in education. If the outcome of the study is successful, the resulting literature may offer a potentially useful framework for interacting with this underserved population.
This literature reviewed the two major themes related to homeless youth in education: the effect of educational leadership on academic experiences of homeless youth, and the opportunities for education currently available to homeless students. Given the literature reviewed in this section, it is clear that educational leadership plays an important part on homeless youth academics, but that there are not as many education opportunities available as there should be for this underserved population — the development of transformational educational leadership may enhance what interventions are there to make teachers more valuable to homeless students. Furthermore, the role of teachers as a transformative presence for homeless youth students in an inclusive classroom is worthy of further study, which will be outlined in the study itself.
Leitsinger, M. Aug 3 Left Behind: LGBT Homeless Youth Struggle to Survive on the Streets. NBC News. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.
If you do not already know what homelessness means, it is someone who is not able to live in a stable residence because of financial or psychological problems, so they are forced to live on the streets or put themselves on the streets, because they feel it would be a better fit. Homelessness in Canada is a very large and concerning issue because of the growing population. Even with the daily struggle faced by youth in obtaining shelter and homelessness becoming a reality for a growing number of Canadians, Canada, with its high quality of life is one country that has always had a global long-standing reputation Health Canada, The aim of this paper is to give the reader a better understanding and knowledge with regards to homeless youth.
It will be focusing on the reasons why they leave home, their lives on the street and steps they are trying to take to be able to leave the streets. According to Karabanow, made up of a number of subcultures including hardcore. The reason for homelessness is an easy question to answer, how many homeless there are in the United States is a harder one. Although it is very hard to estimate the number of homeless people in the US, we can get very close using massive amounts of studies and the census. These methods are our best ways to estimate. Homeless families in rural areas have very little or nothing to fall back on if they are faced with homelessness. They are often forced to live with friends or. Due to the relative nature of culture and language, the definition of homelessness varies across the world.
What is a common thread among nearly all definitions is the difficulty in locating and retaining permanent residence and integration into normative society. First, what is homelessness? This question has been up for debate for some time now. There is one general accepted definition of homelessness, due to the different types of homelessness the definition can vary. Imagine what it would be like not knowing what to do or not knowing where to sleep for the night. There is no where to go and once again sleeping outside on the cold, hard ground is the only choice. This ground becomes a bed and some nights it may be located under a bridge or even on a park bench. The smells that linger from other homeless people sleeping close by is nauseating but soon goes away because it becomes a way of life.
Hunger has set in and begging people for food is the only option. People in society tend to label the homeless as alcoholics or drug abusers. The homeless people who choose to do such things set a bad example for homeless individuals. Homelessness is a temporary condition that people fall into when they cannot afford to pay for a place to live, or when their current home is unsafe or unstable. Homeless can be considered as living in a place where they have no right to stay, living in a home that they can no longer pay, and living separated from their families. Over , people are homeless,that is about half a million and this is only in the US!
Can you imagine how many are in the world? A quarter of them are children. Tens of thousands of veterans are homeless. Our people that. Homelessness is a serious problem in our society. Every night in our nation thousands of people are on the streets. This type of behavior is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. In many cases the homeless people in our country are treated as total outcasts. Many of these people have severe mental disorders. Some are victims of an economy that has failed them. One may ask how such harsh situations exist in such an advanced society. With all the money and programs created to help people it seems ridiculous that this behavior exists. In a society where people have so much how is it possible that there are still people that have so little.
The homeless are humans, no different than anyone else. Homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. This terrible misfortune has led to many unsuspecting people leading impoverished lifestyles, and facing the horrific and heart-wrenching tragedy of abandonment. The purpose of this essay is to not only persuade the readers to get involved in ending homelessness on local and national efforts, but to embrace new and creative ways of helping to end this rapidly growing problem, by taking action to end this catastrophic situation. Also, I will demonstrate the causes and effects of the homeless resorting to violence, by using comparison and contrast to examine the views and standpoints on helping the forgotten, so that we might end this calamity once and for all.
In an increasingly. To many, the problem of homelessness is invisible or barely noticed. In either case the central point remains; the homeless must be people who are incapable or unwilling to help themselves. After all, wouldn't they stop being homeless if they just tried? These sorts of rationalizations cover a more disturbing truth; that for many in today's society, the spectre of homelessness is more pressing of a problem than helping those who are already on the. One of the biggest leading social issues around the world is homelessness. In the United States alone, there are more than half a million people experiencing homelessness.
There are different factors that led a person to homelessness, economic, social, political issues, and natural disasters. But in the United States, homelessness is often caused by system failure, and people and with related issues. A brief history of homelessness, the issues documented during the early colonial period, back then it was viewed as a character flaw in the person and not outside causes. The Great Depression hits the United States hard and millions lost their jobs result in homelessness. Comes swooping in with the New Deal policy from presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt helps save the economy by providing jobs and helps reduce homeless population Homelessness. That led to many cutbacks in affordable housing, medical care that makes many mentally ill patients unable to afford housing.
There is some organization across the United States that provides health care service for. Throughout the entire history of human civilization, the prevalence of homelessness has been a challenge to every nation. It might be depressing to learn that no countries today have eradicated homelessness, but the human race is never stopped from trying harder than before to tackle this prolonged issue. As the two leading economic powers, America and China have to face the challenge of reducing homelessness. It was a beautiful sight for the students of Glenridge High this past weekend, as their outdoor concert at Hartley Park was a huge success. Thousands of people in the community came out to eat delicious food and listen to music while dozens of activities were taking place around the park.
Throughout the United States, homelessness and poverty have become an overwhelming issue. From people losing their jobs to others having to give up their homes, nearly This could look like a small percentage to some but in reality, it's more than 45 million people. While this number may be decreasing, the stereotype of those who are in poverty still remains. It is often thought that those in poverty are non-educated addicts and are generally criminal people. This, however, fails to be proven true. In my personal experiences, it was believed that the homeless and impoverished were of a lower social level and it was easy to assume the poor were in their walk of life for more reasons than simply not having money.
Drugs, crime, and poverty all seemed to have the same definition. The homeless stand down was an eye-opener experience for me. I had the opportunity to interact with several individuals, and one family. Initially I conducted some interviews with them to help complete the questionnaire; and the remainder of the time, I escorted the individuals and helped them choose items that were necessary for them. As I talked to each of them, I realized that the present state of these individuals were a product of the current economic situations. According to the National Homeless Coalition , work factors are one of the many reasons why individuals are homeless. One of the individuals that I spoke to informed me that he was working a regular nine to five job at a construction site, but now due to the.
Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Homeless Youth Essay. Homeless Youth Essay Decent Essays. Open Document. Homeless Youth Homelessness is defined as having no fixed place to sleep at night. This includes people staying in motels until their money runs out, those staying with friends, those staying in shelters, and those sleeping inside or out whatever space they can find to protect themselves. The number of homeless people has been growing and it has become a serious problem in our society. Every night in Canada there are thousands of people living on the streets. This type of behaviour is considered deviant because it does not reflect the norms and values of our society. Some are victims of an economy that has …show more content… The primary causes of homelessness can be there are a lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs.
Other causes can be insufficient income when people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care and education. This means that difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities because of financial reasons. Some homeless people end up on the streets because they may be physical, psychological, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment. A study done in found that 75 percent of street youth were victims of abuse and others were youths that left home when neither parent wanted custody of them after a divorce and some youth leave to escape parental restrictions that they consider to be too cruel.
In , an American study estimated that 20 percent of homeless youth had been in foster care before they moved to the streets and over 50 children run away from home. Being homeless presents many challenges for youth that they normally live day to day, unable to develop plans for forming a productive life structure. The basic problem of homelessness is the human need for personal shelter,. Get Access. Good Essays. Homelessness In Canada Essay Words 5 Pages 4 Works Cited. Homelessness In Canada Essay.
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WebJun 14, · Two major themes will be addressed: first, there is the effect of educational leadership on academic experiences of homeless youth. This theme will be further WebAccording to the National Coalition for the Homeless 41% of the homeless population are comprised of families. Homelessness is a devastating experience for families. It disrupts Webmake a homeless youth determination, you may want to submit documentation from any of the following: • Local school district personnel • State homeless education coordinators • Missing: paper Webhomelessness. As we outline below, whether one includes doubled-up families in the homeless counts changes the number and trends in homelessness dramatically. B. WebMar 18, · Type of paper: Research Paper. Topic: Health, Disabilities, Choice, Society, Veterans, America, Homelessness, United States. Pages: 4. Words: Published: WebNov 1, · The aim of this paper is to give the reader a better understanding and knowledge with regards to homeless youth. It will be focusing on the reasons why they ... read more
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Trending Writing Articles View all articles. A man who becomes crippled on the job, or a young woman diagnosed with schizophrenia do not choose homelessness over working hard in order to keep a roof over their head and food in their stomach. com, help on writing a paper on the teen homeless, Mar Essay on Solving Homelessness Words 6 Pages. This intervention summary describes Dare to Be You DTBYa multilevel prevention program that serves high-risk families with children ages by supporting parents to develop self-efficacy, effective child-rearing skills, social support, and problem-solving skills through parent-child workshops.
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